Press releases

Silvent lyckades öppna två nya kontor under våren, trots Corona-pandemin

2 June, 2020

2020 – 06 – 02 Borås-företaget Silvent har under våren öppnat två nya bolag på den europeiska marknaden. Ett kontor i Warszawa, Polen och ett kontor i Verona, Italien. Trots rådande svårigheter kan Silvent redan nu se positiva resultat av satsningen.   Silvent valde att genomföra sin planerade expansion på den europeiska marknaden, trots Coronautbrottet. Under […]

New efficient safety air gun developed for the manufacturing industry

20 November, 2019

2019 – 11 – 20 Silvent launches a new safety air gun that delivers up to 50% more blowing force than a regular air gun. Pro One + is equipped with a new, patented multi Laval air nozzle that improves the performance of cleaning with compressed air in industry. Sometimes a higher blowing force is […]

Halved the sound level in the production by installing new air guns

1 August, 2019

2019 – 08 – 01 Noise is often referred to as one of the biggest health and safety problems in industry. One contributing factor is compressed air. A well-known British food company could, by replacing its compressed air guns, more than half the noise level in the daily cleaning process. The result was a noticeably […]